A Media

An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.

Includes 3"x4" painting, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping. Artist Doniphan Blair has done dozens in this series in his inimitable colour shape system in the following groups: landscape, animals, icon, and abstract.

$ 19.00

Micro Watercolor (Animal)

Includes 3"x4" painting, 2" wooden frame, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping.

$ 34.00

Includes 3"x4" painting, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping. Artist Doniphan Blair has done dozens in this series in his inimitable colour shape system in the following groups: landscape, animals, icon, and abstract.

$ 19.00

Micro Watercolor (Boat)

Includes 3"x4" painting, 2" wooden frame, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping.

$ 34.00

Includes 3"x4" painting, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping. Artist Doniphan Blair has done dozens in this series in his inimitable colour shape system in the following groups: landscape, animals, icon, and abstract.

$ 19.00

Micro Watercolor (Icon)

Includes 3"x4" painting, 2" wooden frame, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping.

$ 34.00

Includes 3"x4" painting, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping. Artist Doniphan Blair has done dozens in this series in his inimitable colour shape system in the following groups: landscape, animals, icon, and abstract.

$ 19.00

Micro Watercolor (Abstract)

Includes 3"x4" painting, 2" wooden frame, Romantic Evolution manifesto and shipping.

$ 34.00

Instead of 3"x4", this watercolor is almost 3'x4', actually 42"x30" and a blowup of one of the Micro series, albeit freehand with entirely new dynamics, brushstrokes, et.

$ 199.00

Macro Watercolor (Animal)

Instead of 3"x4", this watercolor is almost 3'x4', actually 42"x30" and a blowup of one of the Micro series, albeit freehand with entirely new dynamics, brushstrokes, et.

$ 159.00

BoatBridge Series (One)

Includes 30"x20" three color silkscreen on quality poster paper and shipping. Over ten years Holocaust research before making "Our Holocaust Vacation," Doniphan Blair found this quote from French Jew Madeline Micheline to be the simplest summary for going forward: "Be Happy those of you who can dream and cry.

$ 39.00

Be Happy Poster

This version is a signed limited addition on archival paper; also 30"x20" three color seriograph with shipping.

$ 299.00

Be Happy Fine Art Seriograph

Includes DVD and Shipping. This documentary follows a family of New Yorkers, including a rebellious teenage girl, as they journey with their Holocaust survivor grandmother back to Eastern Europe to find out about that dark history and themselves. Shown over 400 times on PBS, this film explores a female side of war including relations between Jews and Germans as well as how to heal from it.

$ 24.00

Our Holocaust Vacation DVD (84 min)

Includes DVD and Shipping. Same as above but the one hour version.

$ 24.00

Our Holocaust Vacation DVD (57 min)
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